The South Of England Basset Hound Club

Members may win a trophy for the year. Most classes have one

All winners receive a rosette and place card. The dogs receive a treat of some sort

Junior Handler Classes are held at our Summer Shows

Members may win a trophy for the year. Most classes have one
Up and Coming Events
The South of England Basset Hound Club would like to wish all their members every success for 2024

The Kennel Club Board has approved amendments to the Judges Education Programme (Breed Shows) Level 1 and Level 2 criteria.
These amendments will come into effect for shows held on or after 1 January 2024
and apply to judges signing contracts from the date of this announcement (21 August 2023). Existing CC judges are exempt from this requirement.
Judges Education Programme (JEP) Level 1 criteria is as follows:
Minimum of five years proven interest in pedigree dogs
Attend a Conformation and Movement seminar hosted by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer
Complete a minimum of two full-day stewarding appointments
Attend a Requirements of a Dog Show Judge seminar and pass associated exam (either in person or online via Kennel Club Academy)
Pass the Points of a Dog assessment conducted by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer
Previously it was a requirement that passing the Points of a Dog assessment and Requirements of a Dog Show Judge exam was part of JEP Level 2 criteria.
Consequently, JEP Level 2 criteria is now amended as follows:
Attend a Breed Appreciation Day (BAD) and pass a multiple-choice examination for the respective breed
View ring stewarding seminar and take online quiz via Kennel Club Academy
Complete critique writing seminar and take online quiz via Kennel Club Academy
Whilst completing the critique writing and stewarding seminars remain a JEP Level 2 requirement, the Board has agreed that they can be undertaken at any time, and that the judge does not need to wait until they meet Level 1 criteria, and are recommended to view prior to stewarding or judging.
Judges sitting multiple-choice exams held at Breed Appreciation Days from 1 January 2024 will be required to meet the amended Level 1 criteria.
Helen Kerfoot, Chief Operations Officer at The Kennel Club, commented: “This change to JEP Level 1 criteria will further enhance education of upcoming judges and equip them with the necessary means to judge as they undertake their first appointments.
“We have listened to feedback and it is hoped that these changes create a more logical order of education for judges and will also ensure that exhibitors have confidence that judges have attained a preliminary level of training at any level of show.”
Further information is available by emailing
This year is the Club's 60th Show Anniversary.
We held our show in Partnership with
Southern Counties Canine Association Championship Show at The Newbury Showground.
Mrs Caz Turner (Devonhound) and judging our
Special Award Classes is Mrs Celia Mortlock (Hertsmerry).
To see photographs and read the Judges' critiques
please click on the links to the right.​

Judges, please look on the menu bar above and check whether you are on our judges' list and that the contact details are correct.
If you feel you should be on a higher level please provide an up to date CV that fits the level descriptors
For more up to date information about the Kennel club's Judge's Competency framework please follow the link below.
Judging dog shows | Events and Activities | Kennel Club (
If you are interested in judging Basset Hounds or need information about the new judges' list, more information can be found here.
Why not join us & come to a show?
Health Matters
£5 Single Membership
£7 Joint
£1 Juniors
click here for link to a membership form
It is now possible to exhibit puppies that are 4 months old but under 6 months old at Kennel Club run shows.
They will have their own
'Baby Puppy' class but can not go on to compete in the final line up against older puppies. To find out more click the link above 'Important changes in 2024'
The Basset Hound Health Group are currently fund raising to support research into Laforas Disease and other important health related research. The amount of money needed is approximately £5000. Please see the Basset Hound Health Group website or the health group Facebook Page. Every little helps!
The Law regarding Microchipping your dog has changed. Section 21 of the Dog Act 1976 requires dogs to be microchipped when they are 3 months of age, and being registered for the first time or when a change of ownership occurs. As of 1 November 2015, all dogs that have reached 3 months of age must be microchipped regardless of registration status.
Go to for more information
Exciting news !
The Animal Health Trust have completed sequencing the Basset Hound DNA.
click on the link below to find out more!
click on the title to take you to the official site for more
health information relating
to the Basset Hound

The South of England Basset Hound Club
TO COMPLY WITH GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION (GDPR), we must tell you what personal data we hold about you, why we hold it and how it will be used. Our processing of personal data is based on you having given consent but you have the right as a data subject to withdraw that consent at any time and we undertake to delete the data if requested by you.
Any data we hold will be used only for purposes directly related to the activities and effective administrative running of The South of England Basset Hound Club (SofEBHC) and will not be provided to any other person, organisation or business for any other purposes, except where required by law.
The South of England Basset Hound Club Protection Principles
The South of England Basset Hound Club will comply with data protection law. Any personal information we hold about you will be:
* Used lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way;
* Collected only for valid purposes (as explained below) and not used in any way that is
incompatible with those purposes;
* Relevant to the purposes we have told you about and limited only to those purposes;
* Accurate and kept up to date;
* Kept securely;
* Kept only for as long as necessary, for the purposes we have told you about, and in accordance
with our data retention policy (see below).
Personal Data Held by The South of England Basset Hound Club
For the efficient running of the South of England Basset Hound Club we need to keep a record of:
• Your name;
• Your address;
• Your home and/or mobile telephone number(s);
• Your email address;
• Your SofEBH Club membership category (UK Single/Joint; Junior; Overseas
electronic/postal, Honorary) and date/year of joining;
• If you have a repeat standing order for membership payments (we do not keep details of your bank
Note: You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not give this information, we will be unable to perform our administrative function in providing you with The SofEBHC Club services.
The South of England Basset Hound Club Use of Personal Data
The SofEBH Club will maintain and process your personal data in providing membership services and organising events. We may also use personal information for additional relevant and related purposes where you might reasonably expect us to do so and where this is not outweighed by your own interests, fundamental rights or freedoms. This may include:
• Maintaining our records and related information, including updating your details and preferences;
• Contacting you with relevant information (eg newsletters, event and breed related details, show schedules)
by mail, email, telephone;
• Publication in The SofEBH Club show catalogues of your personal data, save address if opting out, and dog
• Publication of show/event results on The SofEBH Club website or in other SofEBH Club publications;
• Communications related to membership and invitations to participate in canine health studies;
• Administration and communications relating to judging lists and The SofEBH Club judging appointments;
• Assistance with upholding our SofEBH Club objectives and acting in cases where there may be a breach of
The SofEBH Club Rules or Codes of Ethics;
• Assistance in ensuring compliance with Kennel Club Rules and Regulations;
• Assistance with queries, complaints and dispute resolution.
You may request to see all the personal data we hold on you (we are allowed 40 days to provide it).
We only keep your data for the reasons outlined above.
We undertake to delete your personal data, or withhold it from publication, if you request us to do so in writing.
The South of England Basset Hound Club Disclosure of Personal Data to Other Third Parties
The SofEBH Club may use service providers to help us provide you with our services. Personal data may be transferred to such service providers, who act for or on our behalf, for further processing in accordance with the purpose(s) for which the data was originally collected or may otherwise be lawfully processed. This may include:
• Production of The SofEBH Club newsletter;
• Production of The SofEBH Club show/event catalogues;
• Other SofEBH Club publications.
Such third parties have contracted with us as data processors under the requirements in the GDPR. They are contractually bound to only use personal data for the agreed purpose(s). Relevant persons working for these third parties will have access to your personal data under the terms of the data processor contract, but only to the extent necessary to perform their services for us.
The South of England Basset Hound Club Data Retention Policy
The SofEBH Club will only retain personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements. Personal data may be further processed and stored for archiving in the interests of statistical and historical purposes. When doing so, we will consider any link to the initial purpose, the context the data was collected in, the reasonable expectations of members, the nature of the data, the consequences of further processing and the existence of appropriate safeguards.
Old membership lists and other electronically held data may have some historical value and/or statistical value. The SofEBH Club will consider how long it is practically useful.
Information and Contact Details
We may update this information from time to time. Please contact The SofEBH Club Secretary if you have any questions or concerns about personal data and privacy matters.

The South of England Basset Hound Club is registered with the Kennel Club
and operates under their umbrella rules and regulations.
The South of England Basset Hound Club is a Kennel Club registered society, abiding with their guidelines. All shows are held in accordance with Kennel Club rules and regulations and endorse good canine practices as promoted by the Kennel Club We firmly believe in our hounds being fit for function, fit for life. The aim of the South of England Basset Hound Club is to provide knowledge and education to ensure Basset Hounds live happy, healthy lives with responsible owners