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South of England Basset Hound Club Open Show

25th July 2015

My thanks to the committee for their invitation and their generous hospitality.

Although small, it was a quality entry and all hounds were presented in pristine condition. It was especially gratifying to see so many exhibits moving well with plenty of animation and obvious enjoyment.

I regret that I have had problems with my recorder and that,a couple of critiques are sadly missing—sincere apologies to the exhibitors concerned.


MPD (2) 1.Newman`s IVINGHOE VON DER KREUZBREITE (impG) N.A.F, T.A.F Youngster of just over 6 months teeming with quality and showing beautifully for one so young.Lovely head and expression, Topline held well on the move, well balanced, correct sternum.and well rounded, tight feet .Moved with plenty of drive and I was pleased to award him Best Puppy Dog and overall Best Puppy in Show.

2.Langridge`s BROMP FRED FLINTSTONE WITH BADGERSMOON.Out of a heavier mould. Good reach of neck and well pronounced sternum.Well angulated but did not have the free movement of the winner.

PD (3) 1.Newman`sWOFERLOW PROMETHUIS Took a little time to co-operate with his handler and show off his attributes! Loved his head with true basset expression and good length of leather.Nicely arched neck leading into good lay of shoulder and level topline. When he got his act together moved very well. 2.Proud & Well`s KORTEBIN DARK POWER. Another excelling in head properties with lovely soft expression.Moved with plenty of purpose and overall a nice hound. 3. B F FLINTSTONE WITH BADGERSMOON.

PGD.(1) Price`s LIVORINO AVALEUR DU SABRE .Stood alone but a worthy winner.Lovely example of the breed, very sound on the move with good front action and strong rear movement.Well proptioned throughout with beautiful expression.RBD


OD (3) 1. Grimshaw`s FEORLIG BOLT FROM THE BLUE>SH CH. Presented an absolutety beautiful picture standing with impressive outline and balance.which demanded attention. Was in no way disappointed in going over him. He has the outlook and expression I was looking for and such correct, purposeful movement. I had no hesitation in awarding him Best Dog and Reserve Best in show 2.Allchorne`s BRACKENACRE INTREPID J.W. SH.CM Another very good example of the breed who was unlucky to meet 1 in such good form. Especially admired his movement which was sound both front and rear. 3.Hirst`s DIHEATH BOB DYLAN AT KEJANA SH.CM


MPB (1) 1.Newman & Beale`s WOFERLOW PENELOPE Delightful young lady with sweet ,feminine expression. Soundly constructed with good lay of shoulder, lovely topline and well angulated both fore and aft.Showed and moved well Best Puppy bitch

JB (1), Storton, Isted & Melbourne`s DIHEATH CHA CHA CHARLIE Nice bitch still at that rather `in between` stage and needing time to mature. Liked her head and general outline and proportions.

PGB (2). 1.Price`s HOUNDSBAY DAPHNE. Won this class on her movement.Would have preferred a firmer topline. 2. Allchorne`s NERINA AVALEUR DU SABRE Younger bitch not co-operating with her handler and so not showing herself to her full advantage.Super topline,good shoulders and pleasing expression.

LB (4, 1a) 1.Newman & Beale`s WOFERLOW METIS Presented a nice picture standing and moved well in profile but today, her front movement could have been sounder . 2.Huntley`s MAJALIS MISS MOLLY IN SPRINGVALLEY .Lovely outline good neck and shoulders but lost out on the move  3. Danel`s BLACKVEIN HASTY AT BAZEBOURNE.

OB (6, 1a) 1. Allchorne`s DIHEATH MARCIA. Super bitch I have often admired from the ringside. Particularly liked her feminine head and melting expression.Standing she doesn`t always do herself justice in the way she holds her topline but , on the move, it all come together and she is sound as a bell .Best Bitch and eventual Best In Show after a strong challenge from a lovely dog hound. 2.Storton, Isted & Melbourne`s DIHEATH ANNIE GET YOU GUN Another lovely bitch with lots to like about her.Correct in all departments but just preferred the movement and ring presence of 1, . 3. Newman`s WOFERLOW ROCK CHICK



Roger Henningsson-Dundas


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