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The South of England Basset Hound Club Open Show 24th July 2016


This was a well organised, friendly event I would like to say thank you to the hard working committee and helpers for arranging this very friendly show and a thank you to their sponsors Royal Canin for their generous contributions. I had a wonderful day and it was a joy and privilege and a big thank you for exhibiting under me I hope I didn't disappoint but there's another day. Just

like to say all but a couple had correct bites. Overall the hounds a credit to their owners


BIS Watkins',Blackvein Havoc   RBIS &BPIS Armstrong Lauralee Code Red

RBPIS Proud's, Malrich Jessie Jay BVIS Alchorne’s, Brackenacre Gorgeous, SH CM.


Puppy Dog (1)

1 Armstrong's, Lauralee Code Red. Black blanket tri clean striking appearance without exaggerations head a little narrow but should alter on maturity would prefer better eye shape Body length long showing off flat top line and correct tail set. Good smooth barrel ribs and correct placing of shoulders well balanced on low strong legs with correct tight feet, no splaying. Moved around like a pro. Very sound youngster an ambassador to the breed. RBIS & BPIS


Junior Dog (2) (1abs)

1 Price's, Wellsbayview Oracle. Red/white still in the early days of maturing will make a bigger hound when more weight is gained. Lovely gentle kind expression with speckling on the planes and nose, good dark eye. He is well balanced front and rear would prefer legs a little shorter but cannot fault his tight padded feet. Nice length of ribs but just not smooth enough. Good long top line with correct tail set has an excellent temperament a very happy and attractive hound.


Novice Dog (0)

Post Graduate (0)


Limit Dog (2)

1 Proud’s, Kortebin Dark Power. A masculine sound low to ground black blanket tri hound.  Great head and stop with lovely oranges gracing dark eyes. Good length of flews and ears.  Sound strong body showing off length. Tail set slightly gay. Sound ribs and fabulous tight shoulders and upper arm. Well padded tight feet with no excessive folds anywhere. A very attractive hound pleasing on the eye and on the move. RBD

1 Price’s, Livorno Avaleur Du Sabres. Red/White masculine head showing off a good dark eye a little short on length of neck and flews and ear placing a little flat and high making the ear folds length slightly short.


Open Dog (2)

1 Beale & Newman’s, Woferlow Kanye West. Black blanket tri good head and expression lovely dark eye excellent length of body and good round smooth ribs unfortunately lacking in sternum but this did not distract the overall appearance and movement Good angulation front and rear

2 Allchorne’s, Brackenacre Intrepid. Tri heavier hound too loaded in front and shoulders to my liking some might say this would be ok but it gives the hound a short stuffy appearance however he did move well although a little close behind.


Puppy Bitch (2)

1 Proud’s, Malrich Jessie Jay. Red/White soon to leave puppy year, sweet pretty gentle feminine head expression showing off slight wrinkling with low slung ears. Just slightly lacking in stop. Good smooth ribs extending well back into clean lines. Nothing excess great length of body. Well balanced back and front and great mover showing great promise. RBPIS

2 Newman’s, Quantas Napoca Vintage. Just over 8mths dark tri, still very much a baby very attractive and happy temperament. Head slightly narrow good length of flews and nice dark eye.  Good tight shoulders, nice length of body with smooth ribbing. Top line a little down




Junior (3)

Newman’s, Tanneron Skypaws. Red/white overall very tidy and neat a smaller hound showing character pretty head and expression would prefer a darker eye. Good stop and length of flews nicely placed ear and length, smooth barrelled ribs, nicely tight padded feet. Moved well.

Fryer/Storton/Melbourne’s, Diheath Steffi. Oh my, very low to almost touching the ground, red blanket on very short legs supporting a very heavy body this type typical years ago. Took this place because of quality good sound ribbing and length and lovely dark eye


Price’s, Wellsbayview Nemisis


Novice Bitch 0


Post Graduate Bitch (4) (1abs)

1 Newman/Beale’s, Woferlow Penelope. Dark tri, very sound and neat lovely head, Pronounced occiput and correct stop pretty expression from lovely dark eyes, low slung folding smooth ears good length of ribs, tight shoulders, tuck in nicely, very attractive.

2 Fryer/Storton/Melbourne’s, Diheath Czech In. Red/white larger hound, well presented, attractive head. Low slung ears, lovely dark eye, good stop and good reach of neck but unfortunately lacking in sternum however her outline doesn't show this. Elbow's tight with well-rounded ribs and length. Short, strong legs on well-padded feet.

3 Lee Suesy Starlight


Limit Bitch (4) (2abs)

1 Danel’s, Blackvein Hasty at Bazbourne. Classic tri with attractive ticking on nose running down front and under carriage, well balanced low to ground without exaggeration. Lovely head and excellent stop beautiful dark eye and shape giving the doleful gentle expression. Plenty of lip and long correct ears. Excellent sternum, tight neat shoulders going back into level top line. Well smooth rounded ribcage. Unrestrictive, smooth movement

2 Allchorne’s, Diheath Marcia. Red/white gentle lady lovely kind sweet expression, good stop, plenty of lip. Excellent, low slung folding ears. Disappointed to find lack of sternum but plenty of loose skin disguised this. Good length of body, nice angulation with decent pouches. Feet could be a little tighter.


 Open Bitch (4) (2abs)

1 Watkins’, Blackvein Havoc. Quality, conventional tri. Just enough furnishings without exaggeration. Pleasing female head, good shaped, dark kind eye. Good depth of lip, correct bite, lovely ear set low and long, strong sternum good reach of neck flowing down to a level top line, well rounded long smooth ribbing  and tight elbows. Standing up on four well-padded feet. Good angulation and low pouches. Moved with drive. Pleased to award BIS.

2 Newman’s, Ch Woferlow Rock Chick. Black blanket tri. Quality, smaller hound, head a little narrow. Beautiful dark eye, correct low slung ear set, lacking in sternum hidden by folds. Nice tight elbows. Good reach and long body on well-padded feet. Great defined angulation.


Veteran Dog or Bitch (3)

1 Allchome Brackenacre Gorgeoues ,SH CM. Tri bitch just over 8yrs. Didn't see a grey hair. Smart tidy looking, very sound standing. Lovely head, good reach of neck flowing into a strong top line. Shoulders, well laid back and elbows tucked in. Plenty of bone with just enough furnishings. Pleased to award BVIS

2 Davis/Hunt’s, Valandee Dark Dandy. Male, black blanket tri, 9yrs. Low to ground with enormous feet. Lovely chap in excellent condition. Ageing gracefully. Pleasing male head showing off a beautiful dark eye, good length of ear, very smooth long back. Good rear angulation and chunky pouches

3 Grimshaw’s Feorlig Bolt From The Blue.


Judge. Patsy Tranter




Special Awards Champion Class


Two excellent bitches of good breed type by the same kennel.


1st CH Woferlow Rock Chick.   6 year old, Black Blanket Bitch. Good overall head qualities with clear eyes. Correct ear leathers and dentition.

Correct front assembly, good length of rib.

Excellent thigh and angulation with well let down hocks.

Top line, straight which she held on the move along with correct tail carriage.

Not much between 1 and 2 on the move or stacked but felt that 1 excelled more in the ground  clearance  required in today’s standard.

2nd CH Woferlow TinkerBell. Also, 6 years old. Tri-colour bitch who is a real show girl on the ring.

Again, many of the same attributes as 1. Has correct head qualities, front assembly and hind quarters. Moves so well holding her top line and head proud. A very worthy champion.

Judge: Mrs Sue Huntley (Springvalley). 

Armstrong's, Lauralee Code Red.                     


Price's, Wellsbayview Oracle. Junior Dog

Proud’s, Kortebin Dark Power. RBD

Beale & Newman’s, Woferlow Kanye West. OD

Proud’s, Malrich Jessie Jay. PB, RBPIS

Newman’s, Tanneron Skypaws, JB

Newman/Beale’s, Woferlow Penelope, PGB

Danel’s, Blackvein Hasty at Bazbourne, LB

Allchorne's, Brackenacre Gorgeous ,SH CM. BVIS.

Beale & Newman’s, Woferlow Kanye West. Special Member's Stakes

Watkins’, Blackvein Havoc, BIS

CH Woferlow Rock Chick.

Special Champion's Class Winner

CH Woferlow Rock Chick.

Junior Handlers' Competition

1st.   Kristen Watkins

2nd. Elisa Proud

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